Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Florida or Bust!

Guess we will be on the road in a few hours.  Gotta make a trip to FL to deliver some stuff and visit for a few days.  Got our pets cared for and plants and we will be cruising down I-26 and then I-95.  Goina see the Eurys!  Taking our lilttle beagle with us but the sheepdog is going to visit with Asheville family: The Capps!  Had to find some of our soft luggage for two reasons.  One, cause Bonnie and John are using our samsonite to go on their cruise to Alaska.  and two,  because soft luggage will pack much better in our stuffed car than hard luggage would.  The car is packed and we have a surprise for the Eurys with some of what we are bringing.  The kitties in the picture are in Florida but in this pic they were at our house having a four month "visit"  with us while their "parents" moved.  Can't wait to see them again.  they are so sweet.


  1. i left a comment and then clicked on something else before I saw that I needed to do the word verification thingy so it disappeared.

    What I asked was, "What was the surprise you took the Eurys? and then I said I am ceuryous. Get it?

    Then I said how well Cadie is doing, but in more detail and I don't want to write it all again, so that's gonna be all for now.

  2. Glad you guys are here and got to see Sofia's maiden marching adventure!
