Thursday, August 19, 2010

New blog, I think

I lost my old blog somehow and now I am trying to create a new one for fresh ideas, etc.  I see the Font is different for some reason.  Pretty, actually.  I need to find a picture I like and add it. 
Our sweet Kitties
I am working hard to improve my health so that I can expect to live longer.   I have lost 25 pounds for a start.  I go to the fitness center to exercise and get stronger. 
I love my husband sooooooooo much.  We had a wonderful party for our 50th wedding anniversary that our four sweet children threw for us back in April.  Hope I can figure out how to provide the link to this blog for my family and friends to be able to access it.

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the good work on improving your health. We want you around for a long time and not as a vegetable. Though we would take you that way too, cause we love you!

    How's that for a comment?
