Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Wow, it has been such a long time since I have looked at blogs or done one myself.  Guess I will have to change that.  We are still on the mountain but there is one change of pets.  Our little kitty, Koopa, ran away years ago never to be seen again.  We adopted a baby kitty a little over a year ago named him Smoky and is he a love.  I have either him or our mainstay older kitty, Meenxie, on my lap every night while watching TV.  Sometimes both at the same time.


We have a new car.  A Subaru Outback.  We love it.  Gets us up this mountain much better than the Prius ever did.  We love our home.  Wish we could get more folks to come visit us.  Our son, who lives in Florida once again, usually stays with us when he comes up with the family in the summer.  They are coming in July.  Looking forward to seeing all of them again.  Our two youngest grandchildren (12, and soon to be 9) may get to stay with us after the visit for a couple of weeks, if they are willing.  We are so hoping they will want to spend some time with us.  

Guess I will stop for now.  Need to go weed some flower beds.

1 comment:

  1. I just saw this because I recently decided to post a new entry on my own blog. But I am getting ready to go to bed, so just wanted to say I saw your post!
